Danica Phelps
Drawings - November 28 until December 19, 2015
We are proud to announce the first solo exhibition of drawings by American artist
Danica Phelps at Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne, Germany.
For the last two decades Danica Phelps has chronicled her daily life. She documents every financial transaction with a precise system of lists, charts and drawings.
„Income’s Outcome is my new project tracking the money generated by the sale of each of it’s drawings. Each time a drawing is sold in the series, a window opens onto my life and I draw what I spent THAT money on. When the money is spent, the window closes. Each green stripe panel shows the income that was generated as well as a little cartoon of the drawing or drawings that were sold to generate that income. When a drawing is sold, I also make the next generation of that drawing which then becomes part of the series. This project will be exhibited in new incarnations quite a few times over the next year.“ (Danica Phelps 2012)
Danica Phelps, born 1971 in New York, has participated in numerous museumshows: as Museum Folkwang Essen (Germany) 2012 and MAK Vienna (Austria) 2015.
Installationimages: David Ertl